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Shoes advice for Table Tennis


New member
Hi everyone, l'm looking for an advice about some of the table tennis shoes out there. I found 5 options: - mizuno wave medal z2
1. mizuno wave drive 8
2. asics excounter attack 2
3. li ning appm001 (CNT's shoes)
4. xiom footwork 3
I would rather if they have good cushioning and excelent traction.
Thank you so much and It help me a lot if anyone has used some of them.
Unlike tennis, you do not have to run here and there while playing table tennis. Even if you have to move left and right, you will be covering just a short distance. Therefore, I believe you should not worry too much about the kind of footwear you should wear for table tennis. When I was a kid, I used to wear normal sneakers and I was fine. I even used to wear canvas shoes.
In my opinion, the Mizuno wave medal z2 is the best and I liked them a lot. They are comfortable, durable, and have a good grip on the floor. I think they are a good choice for table tennis shoes.
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