Volleyball on Light day for Texas Method


New member
Hello everyone,

what is your opinion about replacing one of the Recovery workouts with a training session in a totally different sport ?

instead of doing Volume on Monday, Recovery on Wednesday, Intensity on Friday, you do Volume on Monday, Volleyball (~ 2hrs) on Tuesday and Intensity on Friday.

My line of reasoning is that if the aim of the light session is to stimulate recovery by keeping the muscles moving an the blood flowing, then the same result could be achieved using a different kind of activity, such as that provided by the volleyball.

Of course it might be a very daft idea, hence I thought I would ask for some opinions.
Hello everyone,

what is your opinion about replacing one of the Recovery workouts with a training session in a totally different sport ?

instead of doing Volume on Monday, Recovery on Wednesday, Intensity on Friday, you do Volume on Monday, Volleyball (~ 2hrs) on Tuesday and Intensity on Friday.

My line of reasoning is that if the aim of the light session is to stimulate recovery by keeping the muscles moving an the blood flowing, then the same result could be achieved using a different kind of activity, such as that provided by the volleyball lift.

Of course it might be a very daft idea, hence I thought I would ask for some opinions.
thanks in advance for your input
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